We're revolutionizing soil sensing,
leading farmers around the globe into the era of connected soil

There’s been a missing piece of the precision ag puzzle and we’ve solved it - accurate, real-time soil data.

What we came to do

When we founded CropX in 2015, our vision was to revolutionize and automate farm management using advanced Ag Analytics, similarly to the way satellite imagery revolutionized pest-control management, almost a decade ago.

We immediately realized that in order for us to manage irrigation and fertilization in a precise, predictive & effective manner, we would have to close the loop by integrating data from both below & above ground, essentially covering the entire soil-plant-atmosphere continuum.

Otherwise, if farmers were to rely on above-ground data only, they would be ‘looking in the rearview mirror’, not having the ability to be predictive.
Knowing that a plant hasn't received enough water before the plant does - that's what CropX is all about!

How we do it

We commercialized the first generation of our product in 2017, offering a revolutionary farm management tool: a platform comprised of a unique & proprietary soil sensor, integrated into a big data platform along with all of the additional relevant data layers (see technology page for full description).

All of this was done in order for our system to automatically generate an adaptive, variable-rate irrigation prescription that takes into account the changing conditions of the soil & weather, and constantly adapting to the specific crop needs and its growth stage.

A Global Team with Local Expertise

Very few companies in the AgTech space have all of the relevant expertise in house, but we are an exception.

CropX has a team of over 80 employees based on four continents who contribute to an impressive multi-disciplinary skill set. The team includes expertise in agri-science, agri-business, big data, software and sensor technologies. These are the key disciplines that are required for product development and commercial launch and scale-up.

CropX is led by a serial CEO, Tomer Tzach, who also ran a venture fund in the past.

CropX has a high-profile Board with representatives from our investors, a Nobel prize laureate (Aaron Ciechanover) and software and data experts and veterans.

CropX's employees renovated their office in just one day

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